  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    rdfs:label Agent @en
    https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/ontology#RiCCMCorrespondingComponent Corresponds to RiC-E07 (Agent entity) @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    skos:scopeNote An Agent may have one or more identities; an, or relations that together “identify” the Agent. A,. Agent also includes entities created by a Person @en
    localName Agent
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    rdfs:label Agent Name @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment A label, title or term designating an Agent in @en
    localName AgentName
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    rdfs:label Agent Relation @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    localName AgentToAgentRelation
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    rdfs:label Agent Hierarchical Relation @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment Connects at least one Agent to at least another, Agent, when the first one is @en
    localName AgentHierarchicalRelation
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    rdfs:label Agent Origination Relation @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment Instantiation to at least one Agent that @en
    localName AgentOriginationRelation
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    rdfs:label Agent Control Relation @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment Connects at least one Agent, to at least another, Agent, when the first one(s) control(s @en
    localName AgentControlRelation
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    rdfs:label Agent Temporal Relation @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment Connects at least one Agent, to at least another, Agent, that succeeds it @en
    localName AgentTemporalRelation
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment Delegation of authority by an Agent to another, Agent to perform an Activity. @en
    skos:scopeNote authority to perform the Activity to an Agent, a, (jurisdiction) and Date (time period) within which an Agent @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment Connects at least one Agent, and at least one, Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent manages. @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL, ontology for describing archival, making inferences using the logic of the ontology. @en
    rdfs:comment Connects at least one Agent, and at least one, Thing over which the Agent has some authority. @en