  • vocabulary.dcterms:title The Publishing Roles Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an, ontology for describing the role(s) in the publication, process of a particular agent over a defined period @en
    rdfs:comment A role an agent may have with respect to the @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title The Publishing Roles Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an, ontology for describing the role(s) in the publication, process of a particular agent over a defined period @en
    rdfs:comment A role an agent may have. Individual members of @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title The Publishing Roles Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an, ontology for describing the role(s) in the publication, process of a particular agent over a defined period @en
    rdfs:comment agent may have, that can be restricted to a particular time interval. @en
    dce:description role R - a particular agent A holding R - a @en