  • This is a vocabulary for modeling jobs offer in Spain. @en
  • The ontology of the taxonomy "European Skills, Competences, qualifications and Occupations". The ontology considers three ESCO pillars (or taxonomy) and 2 registers. The three pillars are: - Occupation - Skill (and competences) - Qualification For the construction and use of the ESCO pillars, the following modelling artefacts are used: - Facetting support to specialize ESCO pillar concepts based on bussiness relevant Concept Groups (e.g. species, languages, ...) - Conept Groups, Thesaurus array and Compound terms (as detailed in ISO 25964) to organize faceted concepts - SKOS mapping properties to relate ESCO pillar concepts to concepts in other (external) taxonomies (e.g. FoET, ISCO88 and ISCO08. More mappings can be added in the future.) - Tagging ESCO pillar concepts by other (external) taxonomies (NUTS, EQF, NACE, ...) - Capture gender specifics on the labels of the ESCO pillar concepts - Rich ESCO concept relationships holding a description and other specific characteristics of the relation between two ESCO pillar concepts. ESCO maintains two additional registers: - Awarding Body - Work Context Awarding Bodies typically are referenced by ESCO qualifications. Occupations can have one or more work context. @en
  • A vocabulary for the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). This vocabulary is designed to be used in combination with the metadata schemes/vocabularies/ontologies: dcterms, good relations, foaf, vcard, organization and schema.org - this is defined in the Dublin Core Application Profile of the SSE. Developed by the ESSGlobal group of the Intercontinental Network for Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) Organisation. @en
  • Global City Indicator Foundation Ontology developed by the Information Engineering Group, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto. Contains the foundation ontologies required to represent ISO 37120 city indicators, including Placenames, Time, Measurement, Provenance, Statistics, Validity and Trust. See: Fox, M.S., (2013), "A Foundation Ontology for Global City Indicators", Global City Institute Working Paper, Vol. 1, No.4, pp. 1-45. Global Cities Institute, University of Toronto. Updated 24 June 2014: http://www.eil. Based on the Global City Indicators Facility, University of Toronto: http://www.cityindicators.org/Deliverables/Core%20and%20Supporting%20Indicators%20Table%20SEPTEMBER%202011.pdf. Contact: Mark S. Fox, msf@eil.utoronto.ca @en
  • GConsent provides concepts and relationships for defining consent and its associated information or metadata with a view towards GDPR compliance. It is the outcome of an analysis of consent and requirements associated with obtaining, using, and changes in consent as per the GDPR. The ontology also provides an approach to using its terms in various scenarios and use-cases (see more information in the documentation) which is intended to assist in its adoption. @en
  • GDPRov is an OWL2 ontology to express provenance metadata of consent and data lifecycles towards documenting compliance for GDPR. @en
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is comprised of several articles, each with points that refer to specific concepts. The general convention of referring to these points and concepts is to quote the specific article or point using a human-readable reference. This ontology provides a way to refer to the points within the GDPR using the EurLex ontology published by the European Publication Office. It also defines the concepts defined, mentioned, and requried by the GDPR using the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) ontology. @en
  • The Genealogisches Orts-Verzeichnis (GOV) contains information about current and historical political, ecclesiastical and legal administrative affiliations of settlements and administrative units. In addition several time-dependent values (such as names, population numbers, postal codes etc.) are given. @en
  • This document specifies a vocabulary for describing an IBIS (issue-based information system). @en
  • ISO 37120 – Sustainable Development and Resilience of Communities – Indicators for City Services and Quality of Life (under TC268) http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/ISO37120.html This OWL file defines a class for each indicator defined in the ISO 37120 standard. Names for each indicator are provided. Text definitions are provided only for Economy, Education and Energy indicators, due to copyright restrictions imposed by ISO. This file is meant to provide a single URI for each indicator. An ontology for representing an indicator's supporting data plus meta information such as provenance, validity and trust can be found in: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Foundation/GCI-Foundation.owl Documentation of the ontology can be found in: http://eil.utoronto.ca/smartcities/papers/GCI-Foundation-Ontology.pdf @en
  • The vocabulary of building accessibility was created within the project Maps without Barriers realized under Charta 77 Foundation – Barriers Account. It is based on the Object Accessibility Categorization Methodology, however, it is completed with entities arising from the needs of the project. This vocabulary is also part of a diploma thesis entitled Ontology of Building Accessibility. The project is co-financed from resources provided by the European Union and European Regional Development Fund. @en
  • A Knowledge Model to describe a smart city, that interconnect data from infomobility service, Open Data and other source @en
  • The Muninn Military Ontology marks up information about military people, organizations and events. @en
  • ModSci is a reference ontology for modelling different types of modern sciences and related entities, such as scientific discoveries, renowned scientists, instruments, phenomena ... etc. @en
  • This ontology defines concepts related to federation of internet infrastructures. @en