  • IoT-O is a core domain Internet of Things ontology. It is intended to model horizontal knowledge about IoT systems and applications, and to be extended with vertical, application specific knowledge. It is constituted of different modules : - A sensing module, based on W3C's SSN (http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn) - An acting module, based on SAN (http://www.irit.fr/recherches/MELODI/ontologies/SAN) - A service module, based on MSM (http://iserve.kmi.open.ac.uk/ns/msm/msm-2014-09-03.rdf) and hRest (http://www.wsmo.org/ns/hrests) - A lifecycle module, based on a lifecycle vocabulary (http://vocab.org/lifecycle/schema-20080603.rdf) and an iot-specific extension (http://www.irit.fr/recherches/MELODI/ontologies/IoT-Lifecycle) - An energy module, based on powerOnt (ttp://elite.polito.it/ontologies/poweront.owl) IoT-O developping team also contributes to the oneM2M IoT interoperability standard. @en
  • This ontology is a specialization of the lifecycle vocabulary (http://purl.org/vocab/lifecycle/schema) meant to be used in the context of IoT. It is used as a module in the IoT core domain ontology IoT-O (www.irit.fr/recherches/MELODI/ontologies/IoT-O). IoT-Lifecycle adds a specific state definition (ParametrizedState) and a specific transition (Update) that is useful to model actuators. @en
  • Core module of the suite of ontologies for urban IoT devices. @en
  • Sharing Mobility module of the suite of ontologies for urban IoT devices. @en
  • M3 lite taxonomy is designed for the FIESTA-IOT H2020 EU project. We refactor, clean and simplify the M3 ontology designed by Eurecom (Amelie Gyrard). M3 ontology lite is currently aligned with the quantity taxonomy used by several testbeds: SmartSantander (Spain), University of Surrey (United Kingdom), KETI (Korea) and Com4Innov (France). @en