VOAF is a vocabulary specification providing elements allowing the description of vocabularies (RDFS vocabularies or OWL ontologies) used in the Linked Data Cloud. In particular it provides properties expressing the different ways such vocabularies can rely on, extend, specify, annotate or otherwise link to each other. It relies itself on Dublin Core and voiD. The name of the vocabulary makes an explicit reference to FOAF because VOAF can be used to define networks of vocabularies in a way similar to the one FOAF is used to define networks of people.
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Bernard Vatant
Lise Rozat, Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche
Last modified:
work in progress
Namespace URI:
Namespace Prefix:
Vocabulary in use example:
The network of vocabularies defined in such a way is described in the Linked Open Vocabularies dataset
Vocabulary - A vocabulary used in the linked data cloud. An instance of voaf:Vocabulary relies on or is used by at least another instance of voaf:Vocabulary
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#Vocabulary
Vocabulary Space - A vocabulary space defines any relevant grouping of vocabularies e.g., designed for similar purposes or domains, or designed by the same publisher or the same project, etc. A vocabulary can belong to zero, one or more vocabulary spaces. Dublin Core properties isPartOf and hasPart are used to link a vocabulary to a vocabulary space
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#VocabularySpace
number of classes - The number of classes defined in the vocabulary namespace.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#classNumber
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: xsd:integer
number of properties - The number of properties defined in the vocabulary namespace.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#propertyNumber
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: xsd:integer
relies on - Indicates that the subject vocabulary uses or extends some class or property of the object vocabulary
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#reliesOn
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Sub property of: void:vocabulary
Sub property of: terms:references
used by - Indicates that the subject vocabulary is used by the object vocabulary
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#usedBy
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Inverse of: voaf:reliesOn
metadata vocabulary - Indicates that the subject vocabulary uses the object vocabulary in metadata at vocabulary or element level
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#metadataVoc
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Sub property of: voaf:reliesOn
extends - Indicates that the subject vocabulary extends the expressivity of the object vocabulary by declaring subsumption relationships, using object vocabulary class as domain or range of a subject vocabulary property, defining local restrictions etc ...
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#extends
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Sub property of: voaf:reliesOn
specializes - Indicates that the subject vocabulary defines some subclasses or subproperties of the object vocabulary, or local restrictions on those.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#specializes
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Sub property of: voaf:reliesOn
generalizes - Indicates that the subject vocabulary generalizes by some superclasses or superproperties the object vocabulary.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#generalizes
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Sub property of: voaf:reliesOn
has equivalences with - Indicates that the subject vocabulary declares some equivalent classes or properties with the object vocabulary.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#hasEquivalencesWith
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Sub property of: voaf:reliesOn
has disjunctions with - Indicates that the subject vocabulary declares some disjunct classes with the object vocabulary.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#hasDisjunctionsWith
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Sub property of: voaf:reliesOn
similar - Used to assert that two vocabularies are similar in scope and objectives, independently of the fact that they otherwise refer to each other.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#similar
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: voaf:Vocabulary
Type : owl:SymmetricProperty
dataset - A dataset using this vocabulary.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#dataset
Domain: voaf:Vocabulary
Range: void:Dataset
Inverse of: void:vocabulary
to-do list - Describes future tasks planned by a resource curator. This property is primarily intended to be used for vocabularies or datasets, but the domain is left open, it can be used for any resource. Use iCalendar Vtodo class and its properties to further describe the task calendar, priorities etc.
URI: http://labs.mondeca.com/vocab/voaf#toDoList
Range: cal:Vtodo
VOAF is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 It is developed by Mondeca Labs in the framework of the Datalift project.
If you have any remark, suggestion or question, please contact Bernard Vatant